Friday, 11 February 2011

Contents Page Analysis

Colour: The colours used for the contents page are light brown, black and red mainly. the effects of this are that the background is shown to have a dull light brown which makes the contents page look like a scrap book and then having bold text in black colour as the title of the reference and then the colour black in lower case to give more information about the reference. Also the colour red is used for the numbers of the reference pages.

Layout: The layout of the contents page is shown by two pictures one at the bottom of the page and one at the top of the page. Furthermore the layout shows that the contents of the magazine is in column blocks so therefore this shows that each reference is seperate and provides a different story/article. The layout links to every feature of the contents page because the colour of the page numbers links to the picture of Birdman. This showing that Birdman is wearing Red and the Numbers on the contents is the colour red aswell.#

Image: The image on the contents page shows two of the artist from the focused group of the magazine 'Young Money'. The images represent the lifestyle of 'Young Money'm and also the images link to the features on the contents page because the clothing colours of the images match the colours used on the contents. This keeping the flow of the magazine at one pace rather than a splash of different colours representing different features.

Text: The Text in this contents page Shows specific information to a different type of artist belonging to the same record label. The text colours used are Bold and black used to show a title for the article and then lower case black to give information about the article chosen. The text also links to the images because the images have black in them and therefore the colour of the text links to the images.

The above elements successfully create continuity with the cover of DPs because the contents page attracts readers by showin one picture that is used up on all of the contents page. Also the references are giving in columns at the bottom of the page and this will atract readers because they would be attracted to the image.

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